Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

July 27, 2024

The first reactions from Russia that God protected her and did not participate in SATANOFIESTA! Zakharova: the torch was carried by a Knight of the Apocalypse. An LGBT parody of the Last Supper! Dugin: Satanic Olympics! SATANOFIESTA WAS NOT BROADCAST IN RUSSIA!


The first reactions from Russia that God protected her and did not participate in SATANOFIESTA! Zakharova: the torch was carried by a Knight of the Apocalypse. An LGBT parody of the Last Supper! Dugin: Satanic Olympics! SATANOFIESTA WAS NOT BROADCAST IN RUSSIA!

Maria Zakharova for the opening ceremony, among other things, said:...

I wasn't planning on attending the opening ceremony. But after seeing the pictures, I couldn't believe that they weren't deepfakes or photoshop.

  1. The Olympic torch was carried by  drug addict rapper Snoop Dogg in the lyrics, "Da, da, da, da, it's the motherfuckin' DO-double-G".
  2. In the performance, the Olympic flag was carried by one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, implying the end of the world . French experts envision this as a digital apocalypse where humans are dethroned by a robotic model with AI instead of a soul.
  3. One of the main performances of the Olympic Games was an LGBT parody of the holy Christian event — the Last Supper of Christ. The apostles were portrayed by transvestites. It seems that Paris decided that since the Olympic rings are colorful, everything could turn into one big gay parade.
  4. The highlight was the inverted Olympic flag, raised upside down over Paris.

I wonder how many more "spies" it would take to make the Paris Olympics such a spectacular failure?

This is not the bottom.

This is the waste of the Seine.”


The start of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is the final crisis of modern Western civilization. The West is cursed, and that's an axiom. Anyone who does not immediately take up arms to destroy this unprecedentedly  audacious satanic culture  is complicit.

But another aspect is also important.  At this pole, there is the West and its unprovoked woke Satanism . And what do we have in our own pole? Something slightly more dignified, the penultimate stop, but on the same road, same route.  We slammed on the brakes when the destination appeared before us, where the giant figure of the Pale Rider stood, surrounded by a retinue of liberal perverts and body-positive monstrosities.  But we are still drifting there out of inertia and certainly not questioning the previous stage of our history –  are we still on the right train if the last stop on the route is the 2024 French Olympics? The West is the devil. And who are we?  On the one hand he frightens us and casts us out of his unholy banquet, but on the other hand he is still within us; we have not completely banished him from ourselves; the devil rages and rages in our culture, having been allowed to enter no decades ago but centuries ago.

The West (and therefore the devil) began to systematically infiltrate Russia in the 17th century .  The Slavophiles of the 19th century recognized this and sounded the alarm. This had an effect, but did not prevent further decline. And now we really start to hit the brakes; only now. This will only work if God is with us. Nothing else will work. Therefore, Russia must stay close to God; we must become His people, His followers, true Russian Christians. We can only pray and fight. Struggle with prayer and pray as if we are before death, for the last time.

Special Military Operation is a war against Satan, against the West, against the Olympics, where the rebel Titans of Tartarus have displaced the gods and taken their place. Occidens delenda est.

Translation: Economou Dimitrios (geopolitika)

The opening ceremony was not broadcast in Russia – Russian commentators said it had nothing to do with the ideals of Olympism and was a fascist-style attempt to impose the woke agenda on the planet  . The report of the correspondent of OPEN in Moscow

May 05, 2024

Α. Ντάγκιν προς ΗΠΑ: Μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε την Καινή Διαθήκη, αλλά δεν μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε το Θεό. Οι ΗΠΑ να μετανοήσουν αλλιώς θα εξαφανιστούν από την οργή του Θεού!


Α. Ντάγκιν προς ΗΠΑ: Μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε την Καινή Διαθήκη, αλλά δεν μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε το Θεό. Οι ΗΠΑ να μετανοήσουν αλλιώς θα εξαφανιστούν από την οργή του Θεού!

O Αλεξάντερ Ντάγκιν νο 1 διανοούμενος και φιλόσοφος της Ρωσίας ανήμερα του Πάσχα ασκεί δριμύτατη κριτική στις ΗΠΑ αναφορικά με την απόφαση του Κογκρέσου να απαγορεύσει τη Καινή Διαθήκη ή αποσπάσματά της καθώς εμπίπτουν στο νέο κατά του αντισημιτισμού που ψήφισε ενέκρινε:

Χριστός Ανέστη! Μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε την Καινή Διαθήκη, αλλά δεν μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε τον Θεό. O oποίος είναι αιώνια ζωντανός, που πέθανε και που αναστήθηκε από τους νεκρούς για να μας σώσει. Δεν μπορείτε να απαγορεύσετε τη σωτηρία. Δεν βρίσκεται στα χέρια ούτε του Κογκρέσου, ούτε της Γερουσίας των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της Αμερικής.
Χριστός Ανέστη και δισεκατομμύρια πιστοί στην Ανάστασή Του θα αναστηθούν επίσης. Ο θάνατος είναι η μοίρα όσων δεν πιστεύουν στην αιώνια ζωή και στον Δωρητή της. Οι ΗΠΑ θα πρέπει να μετανοήσουν διαφορετικά θα εξαφανιστούν από την οργή του αιώνιου Ενός.

December 16, 2023

Perplexity in the Empire of the Beast!

Perplexity in the Empire of the Beast!

February  2009

Last Trumpet Ministries

The Rising of a New Beast!

By the time you receive this newsletter, unless Almighty God intervenes, we will have a new President of the United States. I am writing this newsletter on January 16th, 2009, and in just a few days Barack Hussein Obama will become the 44th President of the United States. One of the last official acts of the outgoing President George W. Bush was to declare a state of emergency in Washington, D.C., for the inauguration. (1) The swearing in ceremony is expected to cost $165 million, (2) and Obama will be riding in a limousine that is designed to withstand rocket and chemical attacks. (3) This black Cadillac vehicle has been named “the beast” by the Secret Service. (4) A security force that is 42,500 strong will be deployed for the event, including the U.S. Secret Service, FBI, and a total of ninety-nine other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Command centers set up by FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies will honeycomb the entire area. (5) It will look like a war zone and is more of a military event than anything else. Except for the presence of the swastika or hackenkreutz, it will look very much like the January morning when Adolph Hitler walked up the steps in his country to take the reins of power. Hitler promised change and economic recovery. He also promised jobs for everyone.

On hand for the event will be the religious leader Rick Warren. Warren is the multimillionaire minister and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, who will give the invocation. What spirit will he invoke? Obama also invited Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson to give a special prayer. (6) Robinson is the flaming red hot homosexual activist from New Hampshire, who has been in the news for his extreme actions to promote homosexuality. I see and feel God’s judgment coming quickly after this event!

A number of amazing signs have happened in the month before the scheduled inauguration of Obama. The President-elect and his family went on a vacation to the island of Oahu in Hawaii in December. They were staying in a “humble” 9 million dollar, five-bedroom oceanfront house near downtown Honolulu. According to the Associated Press, “their Hawaiian vacation was darkened for eleven hours.” (7) It was a power outage that brought darkness to their mansion on the ocean. It happened on a Friday night, which was the first esbat (witches’ weekly meeting) after the sabat of Yule, and it was also the last esbat of the year. The number eleven is significant because it is the Aquarian number as Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac in astrology. The sun enters that sign on January 20th, the very day of the inauguration. Washington and the entire government operates on the power of witchcraft and have for generations. Thus, a dark and occult shadow is cast on the event of the inauguration, and dark ominous days are ahead for America!

Another event that took place on January 7th, 2009, was the mysterious dinner meeting with Obama and four Presidents. There were five men in all: Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter. The Associated Press made a point of mentioning that this meeting took place exactly thirteen days before the scheduled inauguration. (8) What did these five men talk about? It was all very private and secretive. I was reminded of a similar occasion when five men went into a cave near Ingolstadt, Bavaria, on May 1st, 1776. It was Dr. Adam Weishaupt, who with four other men, met in the cave at the behest of the Rothschild banking cartel to bring forth a conspiratorial plan to take over the world and present it one day to their god Lucifer. In that cave, these five men consulted with an invisible force that they called the controlling unknown. This “force” gave them the plan to recruit members of their new organization, which would become known as the Illuminati. They would conceal themselves by hiding in the high levels of the Masonic Lodge until they could foment revolutions and three world wars until their objective was achieved. There is much more to this story. When five men gather secretly in the realm of occultism, they represent the five points of the pentacle, a five-pointed star. Those five points are earth, wind, fire, water, and spirit. It was no coincidence that this meeting was thirteen days before the inauguration when Obama is to become president and the sun enters Aquarius. The number thirteen is the most sacred number in the occult.

On the 13th day of January 2009, the Department of Homeland Security conducted a test at the White House in anticipation of a possible major incident with emphasis on the continuity of government procedures if an attack occurred. (9) When the Lord Jesus returns, there will be no continuity of their government; that is for sure!

What will happen after this expensive event and the change of power? Incidentally, large portions of all the money that will pay for the inauguration is coming from the very Wall Street executives that received the bail-out money! This was recently reported in the Wall Street Journal. (10) The new President will be unique in one major way. He will be the first U.S. President to enter into the management of an American empire in decline! (11) Obama apparently thinks of himself as a creator. He intends to “create” 600,000 new government jobs. (12) The new President also intends to “create” two trillion new dollars to spend on his programs. This will have a watering-down effect on the value of the American dollar, which is already in trouble. Obama himself stated, “There is red ink as far as the eye can see,” and he is planning to cut social security and medicare spending. (13)

On January 5th, 2009, the Business and Media Institute reported that Obama may be inclined to put a tax on dairy cows to help raise money to curb greenhouse gases. (14) The tax is expected to be $175.00 per cow. The environmentalist extremists believe that the cows give off enough gas from flatulence to damage the environment and ozone layer.

On January 14th, incoming White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced that Barack Obama is definitely going to end the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” program regarding homosexuals and lesbians in the military. (15) The new President believes that the homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and others of that ilk should be welcomed with opened arms in the military. Do we need militant sodomites in the armed forces?

Is Barack Hussein Obama an antichrist? We know that the Antichrist as a governing beast is spoken of in Revelation, chapter 13. As we study that chapter, we find that even though the Antichrist is a beast, he has the number of a man, and his number is 666. Thus, numbers are important indicators of the Antichrist and of antichrist activity. Here let it be noted that Obama claims Hawaii as his birthplace, although he has never proved that. Using his claim, however, we find some very interesting numbers. We know that Satan told Almighty God in Job 1:7 that he had come from walking to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it. To and fro would indicate latitude, and up and down would indicate longitude. The latitude of the claimed birthplace of Obama in Hawaii is 21.6. Those three digits that make up 21.6 are significant because the number 216 is the number 6 cubed, or 6x6x6=216. Obama was born on August 4th, 1961, which is the 216th day of the year, another 666. We also know that Obama’s office in Chicago, Illinois, had an interesting zip code: 60606. In the ancient Babylonian numbering system of letters having numerical equivalents increasing by six for each letter, we find that the words “A messiah Barack” equal 666. We also know from Revelation, chapters 7 and 14, that the number 144,000 represents the people of Almighty God. It is the Antichrist that tries to divide them. If we divide the number 144,000 by 666, we find an amazing quotient of 216.216216. If we divide 144,000 by 216 we get the number 666.666666.

We must also remember that Obama’s claim of birth in Hawaii is further revealing, because Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. The word Pacific means “peace”, and the Scripture says that the antichrist will come as a man of peace. We also know that the metaphoric meaning of the word Hawaii comes from “Ha” (breath of life), and “Wai” (fresh water). Thus, in metaphor it means “the water of life.” The extra letter “I” would then indicate, “I am the water of life.” This is a title that belongs only to the Lord Jesus and not to Barack Obama.

Obama is also connected with Kenya, which is no doubt his real place of birth. The word Kenya is actually a feminine word pronounced “Keen-ya,” and it refers in feminine usage to the “cradle of mankind” in the native Kikuyu language. The literal meaning of the word Kenya is “the abode of the gods.” Even Obama’s political roots in Illinois are significant because the word Illinois is an Algonquin word which means, “Tribe of superior men,” or In other words, the master race. There is much more that could be said!

February  2009

01. London Daily Mail, Jan. 14, 2009, by Paul Thompson, London, England, U.K.
02. Ibid.
03. Ibid.
04. The Guardian, Jan. 15, 2009, by Daniel Nasaw, London, England, U.K.
05. Bloomberg News Service, Jan. 16, 2009, by Jeff Bliss, Washington, D.C.
06. The Huffington Post, Jan. 14, 2009, Washington, D.C.
07. Associated Press, Dec. 28, 2008, by Philip Elliott, Honolulu, HI.
08. Associated Press, Jan. 7, 2009, by Ben Feller, Washington, D.C.
09. Associated Press, Jan. 13, 2009, Washington, D.C.
10. The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 9, 2009, by Christopher Cooper & Brody Mullins, New York, NY.
11. London Times, Jan. 3, 2009, by Matthew Parris, London, England, U.K.
12. ABC News Service, Jan. 5, 2009, Washington, D.C.
13. Associated Press, Jan. 7, 2009, by Jennifer Loven, Washington, D.C.
14. Business & Media, Jan. 5, 2009, by Jeff Poor, Washington, D.C.
15. Fox news Service, Jan 14, 2009, Washington, D.C.          

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December 06, 2023

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: A Great Message

video image

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: A Great Message


First published on November 27th, 2023.




Freethinker Media says:Just got this video from social media and thought it a useful one...(See source below)

Video source: Jai Brothers -




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August 26, 2023

Putin mocks 'gender-neutral God' proposed by Church of England - Feb 21, 2023

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