Showing posts with label PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET. Show all posts

A Real Man - In a world that has lost the meaning of masculinity, it is critical to find guidance in the Bible.

 A Real Man

In a world that has lost the meaning of masculinity, it is critical to find guidance in the Bible.


As transgenderism and even the permanent sexual mutilation of children are applauded in today’s society, some people are finally realizing that our understanding of male and female has gone horribly wrong. We are seeing the disastrous results of systematically destroying long-held understanding about masculinity and femininity.

If you want rock-solid truth about male and female, there is good news. It comes from the Creator of male and female, who begins focusing on this subject in the second chapter of the Bible. The Bible gives you not only perfect instruction regarding male and female, but also a perfect example.

Jesus Christ had been a glorified immortal God. Yet He became a human and lived a perfect life, and was an exemplar of masculinity.

Jesus is usually portrayed as a skinny, soft-spoken, long-haired, effeminate wimp who died of a broken heart. There is no truth in that portrayal. The Bible says it is shameful for a man to have long hair (1 Corinthians 11:14). It also says effeminate men will not enter the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9).

The real Jesus was a real man. Scripture is scant on details of His physical appearance, but He certainly possessed impressive physical strength and endurance. He worked with beams and stones as a carpenter (Mark 6:3). He ate only clean foods, observing all the physical laws of good health (Hebrews 4:15). When His ministry began at age 30, He walked from city to city through mountainous terrain, at times journeying many miles in one day.

Early in His ministry, He traveled to Jerusalem and found the temple being treated like a marketplace by moneychangers and merchants. Angered at the sight, He took a handful of ropes and whipped the livestock to drive them out. He kicked over tables and chairs and scattered money across the floor (John 2:13-16). His deep voice bellowed through the halls: “Get out of my Father’s house, and take your things with you!” Few even knew who He was at this point (verse 18), yet these Jews were too fearful to challenge this strapping, righteously indignant young man.

Prior to facing Satan in person, Jesus denied Himself food and water for 40 days—something no weakling could ever endure. At the end of His life, He was tortured and flayed alive (John 19:1), then nailed to a stake with iron spikes. His robust body endured what would have easily killed the average man. He died only when a spear was finally thrust into His side.

Physical fitness is only a fraction of godly masculinity, though. Jesus was a learned man who took His education seriously even as a youth. At 12 years old, He entered the temple at Jerusalem and discussed the truth of God with the most educated theologians. Luke 2:47 says those who heard Him were “astonished at his understanding and answers.” As Jesus grew up, He “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (verse 52), not because He attended a seminary but because He was self-driven (see John 7:14-15). His education never ended.

The fact that Christ began His ministry at the relatively young age of 30 reveals the character He had as a boy, a teenager and a young adult. By the time His ministry began, Jesus had developed into a persuasive speaker. Those who heard Him were astounded at His eloquence, and those who hadn’t heard Him traveled a long way so they could. He had a commanding presence. After His sermon on the Mount of Olives, the people were astonished at His speaking because He “taught them as one having authority” (Matthew 7:28-29). He boldly castigated the self-righteous religious leaders of the day: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” He cried. “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:29, 33). Yet Jewish authorities coveted His popularity. Even Pontius Pilate, who oversaw Christ’s execution, acknowledged that Jesus was a just man who spoke the truth (Matthew 27:23-24).

Along with steel-like traits of vibrant health, intelligence, decisive leadership, righteous indignation and powerful persuasiveness, Jesus’s example of masculinity shows that men should be humble, serving and compassionate. He spent time helping sinners that others deplored (Luke 5:31-32). He was the Lord and Master of His disciples, yet He washed their feet, like the lowest of servants (John 13:13-14). No matter how busy He was, or how crowded the scene, Christ always served God and served the weak and lowly (e.g. Matthew 20:34). He took time out for children (Mark 10). He spoke to Samaritans and to women (John 4:7-30; 8:7-11). Scribes and Pharisees criticized Him for spending time with sinners, but He knew that the sick are the ones who need the physician (Luke 5:31-32). He taught that those who serve most will receive the highest positions in God’s Kingdom. Jesus, the humblest servant ever, qualified to be King in God’s Kingdom.

Yes, a man should be masculine. And he should not define masculinity for himself, but by the perfect example recorded in the Bible of strength, boldness, courage, gentleness, patience, meekness and taking the lead in order to truly serve. There are indeed definite roles for men and for women. They have an inspiring purpose. And men (and women) can start by understanding the perfect example of true masculinity: Jesus Christ.



What does it mean to be a man?

In a society of same-sex “marriages” and transgender bathrooms, the answer to this question has never been more confusing. This generation has challenged, castigated and changed virtually everything that has defined manhood throughout human history.

Biblical Manhood gets back to the basics. It seeks guidance from the Creator of masculinity as revealed in His Instruction Book. It provides detailed, practical direction on how to fulfill seven God-given roles for men:

• Man of God • Leader • Provider • Protector • Husband • Father • Builder

It also includes short biographies of men in the Bible who exemplified these roles.

In a world of ambiguity, this book gives clarity. In a society overflowing with questions, this book supplies answers. It relies on the ultimate Source in pursuit of an enduring, reliable, rock-solid definition of what it means to be a man.


FROM THE AUGUST 2023          

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Silencing the Sound of Freedom

Silencing the Sound of Freedom


     00:30 Regime Media Tries to Silence Sound of Freedom (44 minutes)

In 2014, 60 Minutes and other mainstream news outlets applauded Tim Ballard for breaking up sex-trafficking rings that exploited children. Now those same media outlets claim that the film Sound of Freedom, which is based on Ballard’s heroic work, is founded on a paranoid “QAnon conspiracy.” Why is the media actively censoring the truth about child sex trafficking instead of exposing this abominable industry?

44:00 Defend the Truth About Family (8 minutes)

Satan the devil is working overtime to destroy the truth about family. God’s people must stand firm and defend the biblical family structure.

51:50 Current News (3 minutes)


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The China-America Clash Is Prophesied          

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Satan Is Real. Do You Recognize Him?

Satan Is Real. Do You Recognize Him?



Most people are totally ignorant of the most powerful spiritual force in the world today.

Satan-worshipers are getting bolder. The Grammy Awards this year featured a presentation of a song titled “Unholy” by performers dressed as the devil and his demons. The number of public schools in America hosting “Satan clubs” has been increasing. The number of people openly identifying as Satanists is growing.

These trends get headlines and have many people concerned. Such blatant evil signals the depth of moral and spiritual sickness of our society. Please read our feature story in this Trumpet issue, “The Dangerous Rise of Demonism.” We also have an article about how Satan is using popular music to reach many people today, especially youths (along with our infographic).

Yet the real threat that Satan and his demons pose in our world goes far beyond the obvious examples.

Very few people really understand the devil described in the Bible. This is a being with tremendous power. Isaiah 14 says he made the Earth to tremble and he shakes kingdoms and empires. Different translations of verse 12 call him “crusher of nations” (Emphasized Bible) and say that he “didst lay low the nations” (American Standard Version) and “enslaved the nations” (The Jerusalem Bible).

That is a much bigger problem than a single perverse performance at an awards show. This powerful spirit being is, in fact, “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Revelation 12:9 warns that he has deceived the whole world! So few people today understand this!

How can we be free from this powerful monster? How can we face and deal with him? The Bible answers.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). If you just submit to God, Satan will flee. That’s quite a power God gives you and me—especially considering what the Bible reveals about the devil’s immense power. We don’t have to fear him if we use God’s power.

Beast Powers

Revelation 13 discusses a political power that has dominated the world scene throughout history. It is described in symbol as a beast with seven heads and 10 horns. This represents the world-ruling Roman Empire. It started in 31 b.c. It absorbed all the empires that preceded it and occupied their territory. Compare verse 2 of this chapter with Daniel 7, and you see the components of those other empires: the head of the lion, representing the Babylonian Empire; the legs of the bear, symbolizing the Persian Empire; the swiftness, cunning and cruelty of the leopard, which symbolized Alexander’s Greco-Macedonian Empire. So God used familiar animals to represent the first three dominant empires. But for the Roman Empire, He combined all those animals into one monster. No single beast on Earth adequately defined the Roman Empire.

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast” (Revelation 13:3). This wound was inflicted in a.d. 476, when the Roman Empire was defeated, and healed in a.d. 554, with the Imperial Restoration—and it became the Holy Roman Empire, receiving the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church and combining the religious element with the political-military empire. Other prophecies show there would be seven resurrections of this beast—and the seventh and final of these resurrections is about to burst on the world scene.

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (verse 4). Every indication is that this rising European power will be more powerful than America, China and Russia. How is that possible? It’s because they worship the devil! This gives them special power. Your Bible says they will become the superpower of superpowers!

This is a prophecy about a European superpower that we must be aware of. It is going to come on the scene and wreak havoc for 3½ years—after which God will smash it!

Read more:          

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An Evil and Violent World

An Evil and Violent World




      00:30 Celtic Throne Feedback (11 minutes)

The Celtic Throne tour provides a drastic contrast to the perversion celebrated during pride month. While the world celebrates immorality and shattered families, Celtic Throne proclaims hope and showcases God’s royal family culture. Celtic Throne performs its last show of the 2023 tour this Sunday in Nashville. For more information visit

11:50 Supreme Court Ends Affirmative Action (6 minutes)

The Supreme Court voted 6-3 that affirmative action is racist. Backlash from the left was immediate, including prepared responses from Barack and Michelle Obama.

17:45 Present Evil World (18 minutes)

The Bible prophesied that marriage and family would be fractured in the end time and that the world would enter a new age of violence. France is facing major riots after the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old during a traffic stop.

35:25 Current News (4 minutes)

39:00 Biden’s Disastrous Foreign Policy (16 minutes)

Victor Davis Hanson explained in a recent article for American Greatness how Joe Biden’s foreign policy decisions and family corruption have been disastrous for the nation.          

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Marriage and Family Life Is a God-Plane Relationship

5,334 views May 26, 2023 #family #familylife #bible

Why marriage? Why family? The purpose of these foundational relationships is thrilling beyond your imagination. Discover how marriage and family prepare humans for eternal life in the Family of God.          

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